Limited Amount of Tax Credits Still Available

Limited Amount of Tax Credits Still Available

We are excited to share that The Kitchen has a limited amount of Affordable Housing Assistance Program (AHAP) and Missouri Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) Tax Credits still available to donors. These 50% tax credits are available to donors with business income. Types of income eligible for tax credits include farm income, rent income, LLC or partnership income, sole proprietorship income or S-Corp income. Donations from corporations are also eligible for the tax credit. If you would like to secure tax credits but prefer to make your contribution later in the year, please let us know the amount you would like…
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Donate Items On Our Needs List

Donate Items On Our Needs List

You can help turn a house into a home for someone in need. Donate items from our needs list to give people experiencing homelessness a fresh start! Drop off donations at 730 N. Glenstone Ave, Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Or call us to schedule a furniture pickup: (417) 225-7420. Items for Rare Breed Youth Services can be dropped off at 301 N Main Ave, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Fall and Winter Needs Chapstick First aid kits Sleeping bags Socks, underwear Rain Jackets Zip-up hoodies Coats Underwear (new) Hot hands/hand warmers Hygiene Bodywash, shampoo, conditioner Brushes, hairspray Deodorant Hairspray Razors, shaving cream Tampons, pads Toothbrushes…
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Donate Items On Our Needs List

Donate Items On Our Needs List

You can help turn a house into a home for someone in need. Donate items from our needs list to give people experiencing homelessness a fresh start! Drop off donations at 730 N. Glenstone Ave, Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm. Or call us to schedule a furniture pickup: (417) 225-7420. Items for Rare Breed Youth Services can be dropped off at 301 N Main Ave, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. Fall and Winter Needs Chapstick First aid kits Sleeping bags Socks, underwear Rain Jackets Zip-up hoodies Coats Underwear (new) Hot hands/hand warmers Hygiene Bodywash, shampoo, conditioner Brushes, hairspray Deodorant Hairspray Razors, shaving cream Tampons, pads Toothbrushes…
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Jake’s Story: The Impact Rare Breed Makes

Jake’s Story: The Impact Rare Breed Makes

Jake has been a participant at Rare Breed for a while and every day that he goes, he gets to walk in and feel like family. Jake sees the mission of our organization come to life every time he goes to Rare Breed through the staff there Jake and his wife may have faced challenges including the loss of their child. But Jake now finds himself drug-free and healthy. He is two goals away from success. He and his wife have both been approved for the Fostering Youth to Independence (FYI) housing voucher and are on the road to finding…
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National Volunteer Week!

National Volunteer Week!

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and The Kitchen, Inc. would not run without our amazing Volunteers! So far in 2024, the Volunteers at The Kitchen, Inc. have put in 1,152 hours serving our participants. Whether you volunteer weekly, bring meals to Rare Breed, or any other method in which you serve The Kitchen, Inc. it does not go unnoticed and is very much appreciated! One of our very dedicated volunteers who has been serving with the organization since 2002 told us they continue to volunteer post-retirement because working at the front desk keeps their mind sharp and that they value…
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The Kitchen Announces 2024 Board of Trustees Executive Officers

The Kitchen Announces 2024 Board of Trustees Executive Officers

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (Jan. 31, 2024)– The Kitchen announces 2024 Board of Trustees executive officers. The 2024 officers are: Kim Tilley, vice president of operations for support services at Mercy, as board president Rob Fridge, project manager at Spectra Composites, as board vice president Eric Latimer, fire operations division chief at Springfield, MO Fire Department, as board secretary Jen Albers, senior managing consultant at FORVIS, as board treasurer Ellen Hammock, Vice president of operations at CoxHealth, as board past president About The Kitchen, Inc. The Kitchen’s mission is to bring stability and purpose to people who are homeless. Dedicated staff, collaboration…
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