Glendy is a 62-year-old Army Veteran from Riverside, IL. She spent about 20 years in Sacramento, CA before finding her way to Springfield over a year ago. Glendy became homeless in 2019 after fleeing an abusive and hostile environment.
Finding Home at Last
Glendy found Home at Last through a referral from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Within a month, she was able to move into her new apartment. Glendy likes her landlord and was happy to find a place that allows her Cocker Spaniel, Artemis, to stay with her.
Working Towards Stability
Once stably housed, Glendy worked with her case manager, Patrick Haenni, on goals that would allow her to maintain stability after the program ends. Patrick helped Glendy complete the paperwork for a housing choice voucher through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Housing choice vouchers assist very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled afford housing in the private market.
“Patrick has made everything easy. When it came time to do the Section 8 paperwork, he was there to help me and take me to appointments.”
Glendy is living on a fixed-income. The housing choice voucher from HUD will allow her income to stretch farther to meet her basic needs.
A Place of Her Own
Glendy says she is still taking things one day at a time, “I’m bipolar. I’ve started a lot of things in my past that I wasn’t able to finish. Having a roof over my head—a place of my own—has been huge.” The support from Home at Last and HUD will allow Glendy to remain stably housed in her own apartment.
“Glendy was a joy to work with as a case manager. She was always positive and upbeat about things and never gave up. Even when COVID-19 caused a temporary shutdown of the Section 8 program, she remained determined. When the program started back up and she had to begin again at square one, Glendy did not get discouraged. I believe that with her positive attitude and Section 8 assistance, Glendy will remain a success.
Patrick Haenni, Case Manager